Apartment Living – How to grow tomatos


If you live in an apartment or unit you might think you don’t have the space to grow any fruit/vegetables. Well here are some tips on how to grow tomatos with limited space, time or money. Checkout the slideshow above and follow the step by step instructions below and you will be enjoying home grown tomatos in no time! You will need the following…1 x bag of potting mix, 2 x tomato seedlings, a blade or scissors, screw driver.

1) Go down to Bunnings and pick up a bag of premium potting mix and 2 x tomato seedlings. Get 2 different types, for example Cherry Tomatos and Roma or Big Reds as you will more likely consume more if they can be used for different meals/salads etc.

2) Take the knife (or scissors) and cut the bag of potting mix through the middle on one side only. Grab the cut bag underneath from the middle and lift it up so both halves are now standing upright. Do this outside as it will be a little messy!

3) Cut the other half of the bag to separate them and push the sides in to make them both a more round shape. This will help them stand upright on their own.

4) Place the bags in a position where they will receive the most sun, this might be a spot in your courtyard, a balcony or on a window sill. Plant one seedling in each bag.

5) Finally pierce each bag around the bottom about 6 times with a screw driver or similar for drainage. DON’T do little slits with a knife because if you try to carry the bags to a new location they are more likely to split open. Water each plant with approx 500ml of water every 2nd day or daily after extremely hot days.

HINTS…try to place plants near a wall or hand rail as you will want to tie up the plants when they get grow taller. If keeping the plants inside by a window, place an old towel under each plant to absorb any excess water.

This entry was posted in Garden Tips.

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